Monday, August 28, 2006

Cho's Red-Headed Dick Minnow: RIP

It happened. I lost the dick-minnow. But not after hooking and landing a very nice 33" striper (which came home with me). I was back at P32 for a second day and man, was it hot. Fish after fish attacked the fabled lure. The keeper that I landed was hooked just like yesterday's: in the right corner of the jaw, by just one measily hook out of three, but solid. The action tonight was just amazing.

My last cast of my favorite lure experienced an enormous striper...had to be at least 45".. that totally exploded on top. The weight of the fish was amazing. I didn't even pull very hard, but the fish did the rest. One swift turn of its body and the line snapped just above my heavy mono leader. My line had been worn thin from all of the P32 fish and I really should have replaced it. The lure that I helped my friend Joel make in his basement last February was finally gone. This lure was simply amazing. The action was this random, splashy, side-to-side, and rarely diving action. The bass and blues went completely nuts over this thing. Several times it was this lure that produced when others didn't.

I was sad, but I knew it was inevitable. I had thought about retiring the thing after yesterday. But that seemed stupid, because it was the lure that hooked the fish, and I wanted to hook more fish. So, like several of its earlier forms, it vanished.

At last report, Joel is already forming some replacements.


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