Friday, June 30, 2006

Of Stripers And Clams

I took Friday off from work because I needed to. And I followed my plan. Fished the early morning and clammed the mid-morning. The fishing was great -- same place as last few days, some large fish, but none to take home. Great to be out alone with no immediate plans or expectations. After the fishing died down I motored to an area of the coast where I knew the steamers would be plentiful. And they were: 32 lbs in just under 2 hours. And I was loafing it for the most part. I ended up seeing several baymen on the water on the way in; a chance to see and experience a typical day of working on the water. I was able to sell my clams in short order ($2/lb, not bad), make it to my chiropractor appointment, then to my son's last day of basketball camp where I got to see the end of the final game.

A beauty of a day: Sunny, warm (mid-80s), and stiff SW breeze.


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